Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tuberculosis Disease
Question: Depict about Tuberculosis medicate? Answer: Presentation: Tuberculosis an old ceaseless ailment brought about by Mycobacterium tuberculosis despite everything stays one of the main sources of death over the globe. Immature and creating nations being the most exceedingly awful influenced. There are three sorts of TB to be specific MDR multi tranquilize safe), XDR (broadly sedate safe) and TDR (Totally medicate safe). India has become most elevated TB trouble nation with 3.2 million out of 8.7 million cases universally according to 2011 overview by WHO. Roughly 40% of Indian populace is influenced by different sorts of TB. India is the seventh biggest nation of Asia and second most crowded nation on the planet. It has tenth biggest GDP and third biggest PPP on the planet. From decades a few logical investigates have been directed to comprehend the system of contamination of Mycobacterium and how it very well may be maintained a strategic distance from. Anyway till date TB stays significant general medical problem especially in India (Udwadia, 2015). Hazard factors: A few components go about as a hazard factor for advancement of TB. Some of them are referenced as beneath: Destitution Medication misuse Diabetes Low nature of living HIV Destitution: The financial factor assumes significant job in obtaining and spreading of TB. The neediness is related with individuals remaining at stuffed territories, lodgings with poor ventilation, unhealthiness, stress, disavowal of a few social rights. All these outcome into simple procuring and spreading of TB contamination (Al-Qahtani, 2014). Medication misuse: illegal utilization of medication and alcohols is identified with pervasiveness of TB. A medication someone who is addicted is immunocompromised subsequently are effectively helpless to diseases. Tb is an artful disease, consequently on the off chance that a medication abuser secures HIV contamination, at that point his odds of getting TB tainted increment by a few folds (Deiss, 2009). Diabetes: an individual having diabetes has higher odds of getting TB contamination. TB research proposes that the disease is more fruitful in the lower respiratory tract than upper respiratory tract. Diabetes expands the lower respiratory disease hazard and this is because of hindered cell-intervened insusceptibility (Faurholt-Jepsen, 2011). Low nature of carrying on with: The personal satisfaction can be characterized by the physical, mental, monetary, social prosperity and profound status of an individual. An individual driving life having no information on solid life, having low mental and financial status is bound to have TB. This is on the grounds that such individual can't recognize what is acceptable and awful for his wellbeing. Low personal satisfaction will prompt a few different sicknesses that debilitate the invulnerable arrangement of the individual coming about into effectively getting powerless to a few different diseases (Al-Qahtani, 2014). HIV contamination: Many cases have been accounted for tuberculosis and HIV co-disease and now it has become trouble on the human services framework. It has been accounted for that TB is one the main sources for death among HIV contaminated patients. A few immunological occasions are behind quickening the advancement of co-disease (Gandhi, 2010). Social effect on human services in India: The various religions, societies and dialects in India profoundly impact its medicinal services framework and present a few difficulties in overseeing regular to complex ailments. Frequently essential consideration isn't being evaluated which results into unfavorable effect upon wellbeing. Social bound disorder are normal inside the essential consideration framework in India. There are diverse food propensities, social convictions and family pressure which meddle with the kind of treatment and administrations to be conveyed to patients (Worthington Gogne, 2011). Projects and intending to destroy TB: A few projects both from legislative and non-administrative associations are being run meaning to limit the quantity of cases and gradually to kill TB from the nation. Government as of late began a multi year plan (2012 - 2017) the subject of which is that all TB patients ought to gain admittance to quality determination and treatment in the network. Significant focal point of the arrangement is early identification of the sickness including the medication safe structure. References: Al-Qahtani, M. F., Mahalli, A. A. E., Al Dossary, N., Al Muhaish, An., Al Otaibi, S., Al Baker, F. (2014). Wellbeing related personal satisfaction of tuberculosis patients in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia.Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences,9(4), 311-317. Deiss, R. G., Rodwell, T. C., Garfein, R. S. (2009). Tuberculosis and unlawful medication use: survey and update.Clinical irresistible diseases,48(1), 72-82. Faurholt-Jepsen, D., Range, N., PrayGod, G., Jeremiah, K., Faurholt-Jepsen, M., Aabye, M. G., ... Friis, H. (2011). Diabetes is a hazard factor for aspiratory tuberculosis: a case-control concentrate from Mwanza, Tanzania.PLoS One,6(8), e24215. Gandhi, N. R., Shah, N. S., Andrews, J. R., Vella, V., Moll, A. P., Scott, M., ... Friedland, G. H. (2010). HIV coinfection in multidrug-and widely sedate safe tuberculosis brings about high early mortality.American diary of respiratory and basic consideration medicine,181(1), 80-86. Udwadia, Z. F., Mehra, C. (2015). Tuberculosis in India.BMJ,350, h1080. Worthington, R. P., Gogne, A. (2011). Social parts of essential human services in india: A case-based analysis.Asia Pacific family medicine,10(1), 1-5.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Country music Essay Example For Students
Blue grass music Essay America has changed radically consistently, music has changed alongside it. Music changed with the occasions and caught those minutes inside them. Music lets us investigate the past and allows us to feel the feelings that were going on inside those years. America was an autonomous documentation that fit in with nobody else and it appeared. We as a country needed to develop and learn all alone and individuals communicated it in the craftsmanship particularly. During the time we have developed definitely and the music will consistently advance with us as it appears in the music we tune in to today, even nation itself. In the asking of time music was thought of as just an articulation since it couldn't be appeared to numerous others. In America alone, the styles that we appreciate today, for example, blues, awesome and nation get from the Native Americans who originally strolled this land. For these individuals the music was in different structures and was for the most part in strict purposes. With the appearance of outsiders from changed nations carried various styles with them; alongside a lot of new instruments to play. As the United States united such huge numbers of workers, America consolidated their own style into the music discussion. The American dream has a lot to do with raising yourself by your own, and that is the thing that American music did in the nineteenth century. The nineteenth century started with generally fiddlers, fifers and assemblies while finishing with splendid show houses and probably the best symphonies around the world. The United States had a variety of multi-ethnic styles and came out the greatest country for assortment of music amusement with the most known performers ever. African Americans contributed probably the most famous styles we use today, particularly in blue grass music. Down home music has made considerable progress since the asking of time. Down home music was made from African American blues with Appalachian society. This type of music began to get well known around the sasss in the rustic South. From the get-go nation came known as hillbillys music since it took parts of the blues and components of the nineteenth century pop tunes. It began with instruments, for example, the European fiddle and later on included the African banjo, guitar and the Hawaiian ukulele and string guitar. Down home music was not broadly enjoyed however after World War II individuals started to value the music and a couple of stars radiated through and shed light on the class. Down home Music from that point on developed and ventured into the standard nation we have today. Today America is the most famous nation for delivering music and sine we have consolidated and fused such a large number of various styles during the time different nations are asking to admire us and discover impact in our style. Music is utilized as the time-case of our history and will keep on consistently hold noteworthy incentive in light of the fact that the effect of Americas diversion business influences the world and will keep on developing if American artists can relate their music to the occasions and the residents.
Monday, August 17, 2020
December Admissions Reminders - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
December Admissions Reminders - UGA Undergraduate Admissions December Admissions Reminders As we get further into December, here are a few reminders concerning UGA Admissions: Please, please, please do not wait until the last minute to send in your application and materials! Please! We have about 13,500 students who have applied so far, so I expect we will receive about 5,000 more applications. If you are one of those that is waiting to send it in until the last minute, know that life gets hectic around deadline time, so be prepared to wait as we sort through all of the materials and match up documents. Remember that our office will not be open from 12/26 through 1/2, so any information sent in during that time will not be matched up until we return and have a chance to start working again. In addition, we will have about 1,000 students starting in the Spring term that week, so we will have to focus on their needs as well. Do not wait to send in your SAT/ACT scores until after you apply, as you might forget to send them! If we do not have official SAT/ACT (with Writing) scores in, we cannot move forward with your file. Please remember that it takes time to match up items with your application, so do not contact us a day or two after you have applied wondering why your transcript is not showing up on your myStatus page. Remember, we hate faxes!! The shredder is next to the fax (we do send and receive some faxes that are not official documents), and we will shred any transcript, recommendation letter, etc. that is sent for a student. January 15 is the Regular Decision deadline, but if it falls on a weekend or holiday, we extend the deadline to the next business day, so January 17 is the accurate deadline this year. Please do not see this as a chance to wait two more days though, as deadlines you should shoot to get things in before a deadline, not on a deadline. Deadlines are for the application and all other documents as well! The only two exceptions are February 1 for Fall grades, and we will take in any SAT/ACT that is taken in January (but you need to request the scores to be sent to UGA when you take the exam). Make sure your teachers know your real name, as I had to match up a recommendation yesterday where the name on the letter was not the name on the application. I cannot guess that the name on the materials refers to your middle name or nickname. If you are deferred, do not (I repeat DO NOT) fill out an entirely new application. Just complete part II and have a teacher recommendation sent in. We want to see your Fall grades, so make sure you either include them in your update section of part II, enter them in your self-reported grades if you know the final grades for the term, or have an updated transcript sent in to our office. Good luck during finals for the fall term, and have a great holiday season! Go Dawgs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Independence of the Judiciary in Constitutional Law - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1247 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Topics: Independence Essay Did you like this example? In traditional constitutional theory, independence of the judiciary connoted independence from the political executive. It has presently discovering that a judges opportunity of activity can likewise be undermined by weights from his bosses inside the legal extension. Moreover, the test to legal autonomy from the religious foundation is not obscure. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Independence of the Judiciary in Constitutional Law" essay for you Create order There is additionally the risk of weight or impelling from private, political and business focuses of force. Open trust in the uprightness, unbiased attitude and freedom of the legal is fundamental. Unfortunately, trustworthiness and absence of prejudice are close to home properties that no law can guarantee. The Constitution can just give a few protections against impedance, and whether the nominees will have the character, the strength and the educated ability to take off over the timberline of the unimportant, to rise above race, religion, and locale and to throw away prides, biases and allurements that harass common mortals cant be ensured. Ostensibly the legal has gotten to be more autonomous so judges may feel more liberated to test official force. Applicants ought to, where conceivable, use illustrations and representations to help contentions, examination and assessment. The disintegration of legal freedom in Malaysia as was talked about ought to serve as a cautioning sign against the incursion of the official into territories of the legal and delayed showdown between the official and the legal. The instance of the Malaysian legal unmistakably demonstrates that an autonomous legal is a vulnerable institution. Different in Australia, the Australian legal would extremely well take notice and guarantee that it doesnt go down the path that the Malaysian legal has taken. It is clear that this critical uniqueness of mentality in the middle of Australia and Malaysia towards the judiciary and the idea of legal freedom are because of the societies and society of these two countries. In Malaysia, the adjustment of the British established hypothesis is all that much dangerous. English law and constitutional notions are, to a certain degree, established inside the Judaeo-Christian ethos[1]. To transplant that into a country where the prevailing social ethos is entirely unexpected would prompt applied and philosophical difficulty. Perhaps the motivation behind why it was less hazardous when the British established hypothesis is adjusted in Australia is due to both countries imparted social inceptions. In the last few years, the reputation of Malaysias legal for decency and adherence to do equity entirely as indicated by the law has taken an extreme beating. Famous cases, for example, the Lina Joy[2], Anwar Ibrahim [3]and even the Malaysian Constitution Crisis 1988[4] and different less politically noticeable cases have raised open questions regarding whether our judges, particularly in cases with politically delicate results, have the capacity land at reasonable and simply choices. On the other hand whether indeed the inverse has occurred with judges more concerned with professional success and making a move with the powers that be. We are as yet living with the legacy of a bargained legal and the dim shadows cast by noticeable parts of the legal who are more intrigued by the quest for force and self investment instead of with the que st for equity. Be that as it may every so often, a decision originates from all of a sudden which demonstrates that there are additionally great and fair judges in the framework who are not intrigued by the quest for force and self investment, and who are eager to stand firm in the organization of unprejudiced and principled equity. The latest sample of this has quite recently touched base from the Teoh Beng Hock case[5], a point of interest case which has bolted the consideration of the country in excess of five years now. Parts of people in general who were expecting that this case would go unpunished by our legal powers were charmingly amazed. Accordingly we see in the web media the practically general commendation and honors concurred to the three request court judges, Dato Mohd Ariff bin Md.Yusuf, Datoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Mah Weng Kwai and Dato Dr. Hj Hamid Sultan bin Abu Backer for their contemplated, fastidious and thorough recorded judgments when they struck the prior open decision working on this issue landed at by the Shah Alam High Court in declining to set aside the coroners open decision in the Beng Hock examination. In their consistent choice, the judges held that Teohs demise was brought on by various wounds from a tumble from the fourteenth floor of Plaza Masalam as an aftereffect of, or which was quickened by an unlawful demonstration or demonstrations of persons obscure, comprehensive of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers who were included in his capture and examination. Whatever happens next for the situation, it is critical that we ought not lose confidence in the uprightness of our legal which structures the first line of barrier in the assurance of our established rights. It is not just judges themselves who must activity vigilance so that their freedom is not traded off by political, administrative and different weights. It is all Malaysians who must stand firm so that there is no political or official obstruction w ith the legal methodology. In UK, the fundamental courses in which the legal can secure rights and opportunities, together with their confinements, are by ensuring the tenet of law, i.e. guaranteeing equivalent treatment under the law, guaranteeing reasonable trials and upholding law against government itself. In any case, this is powerless against parliamentary disintegration (e.g lessening of jury trials, twofold peril and so forth.). Proclaiming and implementing basic law rights and flexibilities. However basic law can be put aside by new statute law by upholding the European Convention on Human rights. The impediment is that it cant be upheld against essential Westminster enactment and upholding European enactment on financial and social rights. This is to a great extent boundless, however it might be noted that UK courts must comply with points of reference from the European Court of Justice. In addition, directing legal surveys where nationals or gatherings may feel they ha ve been the casualties of self-assertive force, unequal treatment, treachery and so forth. This is progressively powerful, however, government may allow itself powers with the approval of parliament. A few judges have received a prominent part in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“championingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ rights and opportunities out in the open discussions. [6]Such judges have power and impact. Then again, their political part remains lawfully encompassed. References [1] Judeo-Christian is a term used since the 1950s to encompass the common ethical standards of Christianity and Judaism, such as the Ten Commandments. It has become part of American civil religion and is often used to promote inter-religious cooperation. Efforts in recent years have been made to replace the term Judeo-Christian with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Abrahamic religionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , so as to include Islam. The term is also used by scholars to refer to the connections between the precursors of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism in the Second Temple period. [2] Lina Joy v Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan 2 Ors 2005 [CA]. [3] Public Prosecutor v Datoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim Anor [2001] 3 MLJ 193. [4]. Tun Datoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Haji Mohamed Salleh bin Abas v Tan Sri Dato Abdul Hamid bin Omar Ors 1988[SC]. [5] Re Inquest into The Death of Teoh Beng Hock, Deceased [2012] 1 SMC 19, Magistrateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Court, Shah Alam, Azmil Mustapha Aba s MG, 5 January 2011 [6] Rulers Woolf, Bingham and comparative.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Feminist Poetry Movement of the 1960s
Feminist poetry is a movement that came to life during the 1960s, a decade when many writers challenged traditional notions of form and content. There is no defining moment when the feminist poetry movement began; rather, women wrote about their experiences and entered into a dialogue with readers over many years before the 1960s. Feminist poetry was influenced by social change, but also by poets such as Emily Dickinson, who lived decades earlier. Does feminist poetry mean poems written by feminists or poetry about feminist subject matter? Must it be both? And who can write feminist poetryâ€â€feminists? Women? Men? There are many questions, but generally, feminist poets have a connection to feminism as a political movement. During the 1960s, many poets in the United States explored increased social awareness and self-realization. This included feminists, who claimed their place in society, poetry and political discourse. As a movement, feminist poetry is usually thought of as reaching a greater apex during the 1970s: Feminist poets were prolific and they began to achieve major critical acclaim, including several Pulitzer Prizes. On the other hand, many poets and critics suggest that feminists and their poetry have often been relegated to second place (to men) in the poetry establishment. Prominent Feminist Poets Maya Angelou: This incredibly prolific and powerful woman is one of the most well-known feminist poets, though she hasn’t always fallen in line with the cause. â€Å"The sadness of the women’s movement is that they don’t allow the necessity of love,†she wrote. â€Å"See, I don’t personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.†Her poetry has often been praised for its depictions of black beauty, female women, and the human spirit. Her book Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water fore I Diiie, published in 1971, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 1972. Angelou received the Literarian Award in 2013, an honorary National Book Award for contributions to the literary community. She died at the age of 86 in 2014.Maxine Kumin: Kumin’s career spanned more than 50 years and she won the Pulitzer Prize, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, and an American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. Her poetry is deeply connected to her nat ive New England, and she was often called a regional pastoral poet.Denise Levertov: Levertov wrote and published 24 books of poetry. Her subjects reflected her beliefs as an artist and a humanist and her themes embraced nature lyrics, protest poetry, love poems and poetry inspired by her faith in God.Audre Lorde: Lorde described herself as a â€Å"black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet.†Her poetry confronts the injustices of racism, sexism, and homophobia.Adrienne Rich: Richs poetry and essays spanned seven decades and her writing tackled issues of identity, sexuality and politics and her continued search for social justice, her role in the anti-war movement, and exploring her radical feminism.Muriel Rukeyser: Rukeyser was an American poet and political activist; she is best known for her poems about equality, feminism, social justice, and Judaism.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unilever Business Project Free Essays
string(54) " factor can reduce waste, of cracked or broken packs\." Unilever is a company that operates all over the world. They produce a wide range of products, concerning all sorts of food, detergents and etc. For a large company like Unilever to be successful, they have to implement a certain strategy and to have vision and mission. We will write a custom essay sample on Unilever Business Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now For this assignment we are focusing on the UK market. The brand we chose is Carte D’or. To start with the overall vision of Unilever. They are looking at developing new ways of doing business for the future, to increase the benefits for the company, as well as to reduce their environmental impact on the nature by Unilever`s activities. Their mission, is to make their business more sustainable. For example, Unilever`s plan has over fifty targets to achieve. Most of them are focused on helping people to improve their well-being and health, reduce the pollution of their products and source the agricultural raw materials sustainably. Sustainability and fair trade are Unilever`s main goals, which are influencing the whole corporation. Regarding the changing weather conditions and scarcity of usable agricultural supply. Unilever introduced a Sustainable Living Plan, that will enable them to source only sustainable materials. According to Unilever, it is also of vital importance to have the suitable people with the right talent, skills, creativity and education to support the growth of the enterprise. As part of the `Sustainable Living Plan`, the company is looking at healthy and motivated workforces, which would provide them with the right employees. In order to make this plan become reality, they are arranging better work places, which means reducing work injuries, industrial accidents and provide variety of stimulus’s. Nowadays, Unilever is struggling to create shared values with its customers to provide stability and growth. Companies can meet social needs while at the same time serving existing markets, accessing new markets and lowering costs through innovation. Unilever has chosen the path of innovations, as well as improving quality, quantity, cost, and reliability of inputs and distribution. While at the same time the company is acting as a steward for essential natural resources and drive economic and social development. As stated above, their mission is: â€Å"We work to create a better future every day. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. We will inspire people to take small, everyday actions that can add up to a big difference for the world. We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling the size of our company while reducing our environmental impact. †(source: http://www. sustainable-living. unilever. com/news-resources/news/inspiring-sustainable-living/) The above comes back again in Unilever’s report. For instance, their ambition is to double the size of the company while reducing the environmental footprint. Furthermore, they have a sustainable living plan; Unilever wants to grow without damaging the environment and increase the social benefits arising from Unilever’s activities. This plan has been set in 2010 and has 3 major outcomes, as can be read on page 20 of Unilever’s annual report of 2010: * Helping more than a billion people improve their health; * Halve the environmental impact of the production and use of Unilever’s products; * Enhance the livelihood of people in their supply chain. A good example is COMFORT ONE Rinse fabric conditioner. Many customers in developing countries do their laundry by hand. COMFORT ONE needs only one bucket of water for rinsing instead of three. In this way, consumers save time and money. The reason why Unilever is performing this plan, can be summed up in a few points: * More and more consumers want products that are sustainably sourced; * Retailers have their own goals for sustainability and Unilever can work with them; * New products and packaging can be developed as part of the sustainability plan; * Half of Unilever’s sales take place in developing countries, so these countries represent a huge future market for the company. These countries face the greatest sustainability challenges; * Managing sustainability saves money for Unilever and the consumer. Below we will show Unilever`s structure on both Multinational and Business level. Multinational Level: Source (http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/unilever-1) Business Level: Source: http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/unilever-ventures) In order to explain the process of creating values when making ice-cream, we are going to use Porter`s value adding chain to support the explanation. PRIMARY PROCESSES: SUPPORTING PROCESSES: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Primary processes Inbound logistics: Carte D`Or buy ingredients for the ice-cream production from a variety of suppliers. In order to improve its efficiency the exclusive brand can start performing business procurement. In this way Carte D`or can use purchasing function to reduce its costs and improve their long-term strategic planning techniques to deal with the outgoing costs. Using strategic purchasing would enable them to negotiate for the supply of milk, sugar, cream and ect. In this way the procurement approach would increase the CM (contribution margin). Processing: The processing stage would start with the fulfilment of the ordered ingredients in the procurement department. Later on all the ingredients are get together into the assembly process. The Carte D`Or`s recipe is prepared and the ice-cream is prepared. In this press, Carte D`Or can take an advantage by integrating the JIT method. This would help them always have fresh ingredients and not going to keep too ingredients inventory. This can be implemented by ordering smaller quantities of ingredients and increasing the supply frequency. Outbound logistics: In this process of Carte D`Or brand is concerned with the storage of the made ice-cream. The ice-cream package is quite important for keeping the product fresh, protect it during storing, warehousing, transporting as well as to protect the environment form the ice-cream package from the ice-cream package that would be used. So, sustainable packaging would be a major factor in the outbound logistics of the Carte D`Or brand. Packages, which are more eco-friendly and recyclable can take place as well as packs with improved durability. The durability factor can reduce waste, of cracked or broken packs. You read "Unilever Business Project" in category "Essay examples" Marketing ;Sales: Creating a good image for the product might be of vital importance for brand. As, Carte D`Or are producing luxurious ice-cream with a premium quality they need to bind their brand and customers. Carte D`Or would add value to their products by detailed research and development, using Customer Relationship Management. Collaborating closely with the CRM department would give the information about customers’ needs, wishes, expectations and even tendencies. Due to the usage of this technique the Carte D`Or brand set their customers as a starting point for all their products development and concepts. Services: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- The Carte D`Or brand provides their customers with a range of services, as: customer care, direct ordering of bigger quantities, B2B and B2C SCM. In addition to that the brand adds value, by applying the differentiation approach. They provide to their customers special fan website, with the full range of products and a TV show with one of the top chiefs in the world. What is more there is a special line for problem solving callings to Carte D`Or cusromer service. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Supporting processes: Infrastructure: Carte D`Or brand adds value with an efficient assembly line, which gives a high production level during the whole manufacturing process. Production safety and durability is another aspect that may put emphasis on preventing waste. HRM: Carte D`Or brand is quite focused at the sort of working force they use, because they are promoting exclusive ice-cream with top quality. They put emphasis on employees suitable skills, efficiency and job enrichment, in order to stimulate the working force. Technological development: An approach thag Carte D`Or adds value in this sector of value chain would be leverage, as maximizing production and effectiveness without any investments increase. Their top goals are effectiveness and efficiency due to decreasing the expenditures and increase profit. Procurement: Procurement in is very important for Carte D`Or brand because this Is a sector where huge expenditures can be significantly reduced. Negotiating for raw materials, auxiliary materials and etc. Carte D`Or has a special customer call centre for questions regarding procurement. Relevant systems that facilitate the primary processes in the value chain: ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) is a relevant system in the primary processes in the value chain, because ERP is developed to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions. It will optimize the communication and information flow between inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing ; sales and service CRM is also relevant because it is designed for managing customer service, marketing and operations. MIS stands for Management Information Systems. This system provides the management with the right information to manage an organization effectively ; efficiently. The system analyzes the primary processes with the goal to optimize them. Why would a company adapt their packaging of ice cream? For a company like Uniliver that wants to be more sustainable, a reason can e to produce a environmental friendly packages. To comply with that, the packages have to be adopted according to the new standards: reduced waste, being recyclable and re-usable. Other reasons can be to optimize the space available, lower costs or get the attention of customers with new and improved packaging. There are multiple departments involved when changing a packaging like the Research ; Development department to design this new packaging. But also the marketing department; is involved to do the promotion and management finally makes the decisions. Changes in packaging automatically lead to changes in the value chain. Because machines have to be re-programmed, marketing ; sales have to use a different promotion strategies (introduction of the product). But also inbound and outbound logistics will change. New materials will be imported so new routes have to be created. Also the company will have to examine which type of transportation is the most efficient in the new situation. It will make a huge difference if a package is round or square if you consider transport and storing. Also customer behaviour will change, if a customer recognize a problem he or she will go to different phases before actually purchasing a product. First they search for information; a new package can have an influence on commercial sources. Also the selective perception process will be influenced because the perception on the promotion message will change and this can lead to a different interpretation. Perhaps the evaluation will also change because consumers feel that the products offers more benefits. If the new package requires new materials the suppliers will be examined if they are capable to deliver these new materials. If not they need to look for other suppliers. The stakeholders and NGOs can be a threat to the company for example the new package is less environmental friendly than it might happen that they do not longer want to invest in de company. Unilever should pursue a Research ; Development policy that focuses on sustainability. They can do this by using recycled plastic for the packages and recycled paper within their offices. Use biological milk and fair trade ingredients such as chocolate. They can also make use of green energy and transport as environmental friendly as possible. The Research ; Development department has the most influence on the structure. As we have seen the entire value chain will be affected with a change in for example the packaging. The method that we used to come to a package innovation was idea capture internally because of the limited time and resources. But there are other methods appropriate for Unilever like customer focus groups for problem detection while pre-testing to prevent future failure, external idea contest to get to know the customers wants and needs. Last consult partners and vendors to make sure that everyone is reading from the same page. Process descriptions As shown below, there are a number of steps taken in the process of creating ice cream. (source: http://www. foodsci. uoguelph. ca/dairyedu/icmanu. html) When there’s a new product packaging, there will be a small change in the primary process. First of all, when ice cream is stored it is done so in temperatures below -18 Celsius; so the packaging has to be able to withstand such a temperature. This is important for two reasons: * The prevention of growth of micro-organisms; * Maintaining the texture of the product. When using new kind of packaging, the process can be changed. For instance, if the new kind of packaging can withstand a temperature of below -18 Celcius, packaging can be done before storing the ice cream in the freezer and thus saving plastics, waxed paper or cardboard containers since these are used as temporary packaging. There are many activities involved when producing ice cream. Blending, aging, pasteurization etc. Below we will present which activities are involved when producing ice cream. To do so, we used a RASCI-Matrix, a process chart for sustainable activities (the green one) and finally a department-transcending table. RASCI-Matrix: Column1| Column2| Column3| Column4| Column5| Column6| Task /Role| CEO| Financial Director| Logistics Manager| Marketing ; Sales manager| Process Manager| Support employees| Strategic Planning| Accountable| Informed| Informed| Informed| Informed| Informed| Financial Planning| Responsible| Accountable| Informed| | | | Buying ingredients| Responsible| Consulted| Accountable| | Responsible| | Marketing ; Sales| Responsible| Consulted| Informed| Accountable| | | Warehousing| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Transport| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Storage| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Services| Responsible| | Consulted| Responsible| | Responsible| Supporting services| Responsible| | Consulted| Responsible| | Responsible| Analyzing results| Responsible| Accountable| Informed| Informed| Informed| | Maintenance| Responsible| | | | | Responsible| R ; D| Responsible| Informed| Consulted| Consulted| | | The above RASCI-Matrix show the different roles and tasks. The purpose of this matrix is to show the relationship between the actors and their responsibilities. The abbreviation RASCI stands for: R=responsible, A=accountable=support, C=consulted, and I=informed. Flow-Chart ; Transcending-department table: Above we have shown the whole production process of Carte D’or ice cream. Starting with blending of the ingredients and ending with the packaging. During this process value is constantly added. Package: after the freezing procedure the ice-cream is placed into its package. This is the step where a company would be able to take a competitive advantage over its rivals. It can be done in a variety of different ways: In particularly for Catre D`Or there might be: Package size: turn into a production a variety of smaller packages, which are relatively more suitable for daily usage: The shape of the package may play a major role: for example the company can safe cost if they use square or rectangular form of the package. In this way they may improve efficiency of logistics as more packs would be able to place into a box. In this way efficiency and sustainability would be improved as more packs of ice cream can be transported within the same use of space; Sustainable materials: materials used for producing the packaging also might be an important factor. In recent years the interest in products which are environmentally friendly has risen. An example of would be a package that is going to be recyclable or bio-degradable as the harm at the environment would be significantly reduced. Hardening: The packaged ice-cream is placed into a blast freezer at -30 ° to -40 ° C where most of the remainder of the water is frozen. Below about -25 ° C, ice cream is stable for indefinite periods without danger of ice crystal growth; Storage: storage of the produced ice-cream can be sustainably improved, due to a new package shape. With a new package shape, Carte D`Or would be able to reduce its storage costs and to improve logistics efficiency. This approach would enable to leverage the logistics process. There would be the same storage expenses, although the packs of ice-cream would me increased. Steps in the process| Activity| Transport| Check| Wait| Inventory| time (hours)| | | Blending of the ingredients| X| | X| | | 30mins| | | Pasteurization| X| | X| | | 30mins| | | Homogenization| X| | X| | | 1h| | | Aging| | | X| X| | 12h| | | Freezing| X| | X| | | 15mins| | | Hardening| X| | X| | | 15mins| | | Storage in the freezer| | | X| | X| 60mins| | | Packaging| X| | X| | | 20mins| | | This table shows the average throughput times of each activity. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Our mission. (nd). Retrieved 02 16, 2012, from https://www. unilever. com/aboutus/ourmission/ PaperBoard – Unilever Sustainability. (sd). Opgeroepen op 02 13, 2012, from http://www. sustainable-living. unilever. com/the-plan/sustainable-sourcing/pape How to cite Unilever Business Project, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
To What Extent Were the Purges Caused by Stalins Paranoia free essay sample
To what extent were the Purges caused by Stalin’s paranoia? Daniel Johnston Stromness Academy SCN: O62114657 Introduction J. Arch Getty says that â€Å"The Great Terror of the 1930s in the Soviet Union was one of the most horrible cases of political violence in modern history†[i] but was this political terror a result of Stalin’s own paranoia or a necessity to maintain control in Soviet Russia? Robert Service argues that â€Å"Nowadays, virtually all writers accept that he [Stalin] initiated the Great Terror†[ii] however historians are careful to acknowledge that Stalin’s paranoia is not the only factor in the creation and continuation of the Purges and the Great Terror. Nevertheless, it can be argued that Stalin’s paranoia did play a vital part. But there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration when referring to the purges that were not linked to Stalin’s paranoia. Most of these factors do link back to Stalin however but not directly because of his paranoia, more his obsession with gaining and maintaining absolute power in Russia. Stalin’s wider personality needs to be considered. In addition, there were economic problems that led to external opposition to the party meaning that strict control was necessary in order to maintain power as a majority of the population did not agree with the implementation of collectivisation and the Five Year Plans in the 1930s. The instability in the cities may also have been a contributing factor as the purges helped quell the violence. The NKVD may have also used the purges to further its own position in Russian society which allowed for the continuation of the purges. It can also be argued that the purges were necessary for the progression of communism. Stalin was obsessed with maintaining his position of power and by purging the party internally he was able to eliminate any potential enemies. The totalitarian view of the purges is that Stalin’s personality was central to the way the purges were carried out and the extent to which they were carried out. However the revisionists take the view that Stalin’s personality and paranoia is not a sufficient enough reason for the cause of the purges. But just how significant are the other factors? Was Stalin’s paranoia the driving force in the creation of the purges, or was Stalin merely pushed by his obsession with power? Words 372 Economic Problems There was a great deal of opposition to Stalin’s economic policies in the 1930s, and it can be argued that this forced Stalin to consider ways in which to combat it. In fact R. Manning asserts that â€Å"The economy of 1936-41 and the Great Purges are inexorably linked†[iii]. Collectivisation and the Five Year Plans created a lot of tension within the general populace. Stalin had to take steps to try and deal with the problems and purged anyone who resisted his ideas. There was a great resistance to and hatred of Collectivisation because the peasantry did not want to have large collective farms controlled by the state so they resisted through various means such as destruction of harvest and grain hording. Due to Collectivisation not being that successful during its first years, Stalin needed to find a scapegoat, someone he could blame. He therefore identified a class of â€Å"Kulaks†, who were apparently holding back the other workers through monopolising the best land and cheapest labour. In reality they were merely peasants who may have bought an extra cow or had a bit more land than some of their neighbours. Stalin claimed that this class had to be broken in order for Russia to continue modernising. Because of this the Kulaks were purged brutally. Alec Nove argues â€Å"What is quite clear is that collectivisation went hand in hand with dekulakisation, and dekulakisation with blind robbery†[iv]. By 1st July 1930 over 320,000 households, which was about 1. 5 million people, had been purged or deported[v]. However the Kulaks were not the only ones to be purged as Alec Nove states â€Å"It is also clear that persons who were not Kulaks at all were arrested and deported†[vi]. Therefore this aspect of the Purges was not due to Stalin’s paranoia but to obsession with making Russia a leading country. The industrial workers also had to be kept in line. Many of the workers and managers complained that the Five Year Plans were unreasonable and would not be achieved. Stalin labelled any resistance to the Five Year Plans â€Å"as sabotage†. A series of public trials took place showing that resistance to industrialisation plans would not be tolerated no matter how skilful you were in your job. However Stalin may have shot himself in the foot as most of these show trials were used against the industrial experts rather than the regular labourers allowing for â€Å"quantity over quality†. Words 407 This is yet another example of how the purges were not entirely due to Stalin’s paranoia as he was, this time reflecting his obsession with protecting Russia from the threat of invasion. Another factor that shows that the purges may have been carried out for economic reasons is the benefits they had for the government, as it was able to provide both scapegoats and a slave workforce. As production levels were levelling off and the Five Year Plans were falling behind schedule Stalin needed to take action to find scapegoats and ways to increase productivity. It can be argued that Stalin made use of the purges to create a slave labour force within the Gulags. This slave workforce allowed Stalin to build large projects and provide a much needed income so that the government could buy in more western technology and build up industry. Corin and Fiehn agree by stating that â€Å"Stalin needed the money that these industries earned from foreign exports to buy in western technology†[vii]. It is a known fact that Stalin enjoyed massive projects, which was sometimes called gigantomania, but these projects would cost a lot to hire workers. So the slave labour force of the gulags could build them, for example the White Sea Canal project and the Palace of the Soviets (which was never built). However it is debatable whether these â€Å"slaves†really produced enough of an income for Stalin to be useful, as many died in harsh conditions and there were others that were not fit to provide a decent amount of labour. It is therefore unlikely that Stalin used the purges simply to gain a slave workforce. Overall the economic issues that faced Russia most definitely forced Stalin and his government to take drastic action. The purges undoubtedly provided Stalin with scapegoats for the problems facing collectivisation and industrialisation. In a way it spurred on the workers and peasants to not complain about the system. Stalin’s need to address these economic problems was one factor that explains the purges. Stalin did play a role in purging the workers and peasants but it was not his paranoia that pushed him to make these decisions, it was his obsession with making Russia great no matter what the cost. Words 374 Problems within the Party There were many problems with the party itself which Stalin recognised and he used the purges as a solution for these problems. The local party branches were thought to be the most corrupt and out of touch with the central government and were readily denounced by their fellow Bolsheviks. These fellow Bolsheviks used the purges to get themselves into new positions with better privileges. Stalin believed that the party had been infiltrated by fascist spies and corrupt officials. J. Arch Getty states â€Å"Members denounced leaders [and each other] for dubious class origins, long forgotten sins and current misdeeds. [viii] He agrees that these fellow Bolsheviks denounced each other for reasons that were not betrayal of the state. It was made clear that no-one was safe from these purges as even Politburo members Zinoviev and Kamenev were put on a public show trial, therefore sending the message that no-one regardless of rank and revolutionary pedigree was safe. The show trials were most definitely driven by Stalin’s paranoia. The third show trial for example consisted of men who had presided over the previous show trials, they were charged with ridiculous offences. It is interesting to note how Yagoda was put on trial as it shows how Stalin o longer trusted those who presided over the first show trials. The show trials also allowed for Stalin to remove any dissent towards his leadership within the party, it allowed him to remove any opposition towards him and to scare the general population as well. Lower level party members were also encouraged to inform on the higher ranking members, this eventually led to a rush of accusations which got out of hand and developed a momentum of it own allowing the purges to continue. This created a party utterly loyal and dedicated to Stalin personally even if over one million party members were purged (a third of the party). Stalin did not only want to stop opposition to the party but to justify to everyone that the terror was necessary to keep Russia safe from enemies both from within and without. This shows why he used show trials to show everyone the consequences of opposition and to justify prosecution. Overall the internal party problem was a major factor for the use of terror to maintain control by Stalin because it allowed him to create a completely loyal communist party. Words 396 Social Instability In the main industrial cities, there was much disruption and dissent amongst the workers. The Five Year Plans had already caused a lot of distress to workers as Stalin was strict about targets not being met. Society had become unstable as a result of the Five Year Plans, mass urbanisation and violence in overcrowded, unsanitary cities. Mass urbanisation had brought a large workforce to the cities but this was followed by violence and social tension. Because of this there was a lot of hostility towards the communist party which was beginning to worry the government. M. Lewin describes this as a â€Å"quicksand society†[ix] which describes just how unstable the attitudes were towards the leadership. Stalin, it can be argued, resorted to the purges to prevent criticism of the leadership. The totalitarian viewpoint would be that Stalin used the purges to control the general population which I agree with, however the revisionist viewpoint would be that the centre used the purges to try and gain control of the chaos but it spiralled out of control and created a momentum of its own. I believe that the social instability within the main cities from mass urbanisation and the dissent that the Five Year Plans created contributed to the continuation of the purges as the leadership and Stalin needed to find a way to control the chaos. However I do not believe that this was the work of Stalin’s paranoia but Stalin doing what he believed as necessary to keep order. The NKVD There are those that would argue that the NKVD operated on their own during the purges to maintain a purpose and to strengthen their own position. It is believed that the intensity of the purges was due to the NKVD wanting to establish itself as one of the most powerful institutions in Russian society. By continuing the purges they convinced Stalin that he still had enemies that needed to be purged. This allowed it to continue its work and gave them a purpose. Revisionist historians would argue that the NKVD was full of internal divisions and many units acted on their own initiative whereas totalitarian historians argue that the NKVD acted through the orders from the government[x]. The murder of Sergei Kirov undoubtedly initiated the Great Purges, but it is debated who was actually responsible. Words 387 There are those who believe that it was the NKVD under the order of Stalin, J. Lewis and P. Whitehead argue that â€Å"It has been irrefutably proved that the murder of Kirov was organised through Stalin through Yagoda and the NKVD†,[xi] however Russian Scholar and politician A. Lakoviev states that â€Å"L. V Nikolayev planned and perpetrated the murder alone†[xii]. By looking at it in this respect it shows that Stalin may not have been directly responsible for the purges. But without the murder of Kirov the purges might not have happened as Stalin would have found it difficult to justify his actions. I believe that some parts of the NKVD acted on their own, continuing the purges for their own gain. As historians Corin and Fiehn say â€Å"Some units, especially in areas outside of Moscow, operated on their own fiefdoms†[xiii], I believe the NKVD did act more like a mafia outside of Moscow using the purges to their own advantage. Progress of Communism There are those that have stated that the purges were not of Stalin’s doing but of the communist system itself and that the purges were necessary for the evolution of communism. Many historians believe that the purges were a result of the communist system itself and that it was just the historical progression needed to keep communism going and to make sure it did not revert to the old regime. Conquest is one of these historians that argue that the purges were at the core of the nature of the Bolshevik regime and were necessary to keep it in power[xiv]. However Deutscher argues that it was a creation by Stalin and for his own uses to further assert his own authority and Richard Sakwa agrees with Deutscher on this issue. However one thing is for certain is that the purges did stop the system from reverting to the old regimes under the Tsar and the provisional government. Historians have argued that the purges were also used by Stalin for a selective genocide of the Russian population to create a new Soviet race – ‘Homo Sovieticus’ that would create a new bright future for Russia. An example of this is the case of Engelshina Cheshkova, a seven year old girl whose parents were killed and exiled. Yet, as a woman, she cried when Stalin died, upset as her daughter would not be able to see Stalin[xv]. By using the terror and purges Stalin hoped to make a race of people entirely devoted to him even if he had killed people close to them. Words 428 This was of Stalin’s own doing and he believed that with the right loyal population, Russia could become a world super power for many decades. By looking at the purges in this way it is easy to see that if Stalin was using the purges for a selective genocide it was not due to his paranoia but his obsession with making Russia great. Overall the fact that the purges were a logical progression for communism is a key factor to the use of the purges under Stalin because it was essential to the system to help it survive and counter revolutionary attempts. Obsession and Paranoia Historian A. Nove asks â€Å"how can one avoid the conclusion that it was Stalin’s decision to purge the party and society of what he regarded as suspect and unstable elements†[xvi]. Stalin’s personality is the major factor that contributed to the purges; it is evident that he did make many of the decisions to kill people both within the party and outside of the party. In a photograph from the time of the purges Stalin is shown signing death warrants[xvii]. From this evidence it can be argued that Stalin was the instigator of the purges. There are those that would argue that Stalin’s decisions to purge certain aspects in society was, to some extent, justified, however I believe that his paranoia definitely pushed the purges far further than necessary. It can be argued that the murder of Kirov was the start of Stalin’s purges and allowed him to initiate the purges. During the Communist Party’s 17th Party congress Kirov was proven to be more popular than Stalin. However Kirov was quite conveniently assassinated, therefore removing one of Stalin’s main rivals. The murder of Kirov could not be traced directly back to Stalin but it is widely believed he had a hand in it because he was able to take full advantage of it. If Stalin was responsible, was it his paranoia that drove him to order Kirov’s assassination. Even though Kirov was proved to be more popular than Stalin and was secretly offered the position of General Secretary, he declined as he was still a devoted follower of Stalin. Olga Shatunovskaya who recalled the events stated â€Å"When Stalin found out [that some delegates ha approached Kirov to ask him to become General Secretary in Stalin’s place] he decided to remove him†[xviii]. If this was the reason why Stalin murdered Kirov then his paranoia is evident. By killing someone as devoted as Kirov, Stalin’s paranoia is shown as at this point Kirov did not pose a threat. Words 432 However Kirov’s murder did allow for Stalin to justify the Great Purges, which were initiated soon after his death, which could show Stalin’s obsession with power rather than paranoia. The death of Kirov and the wide belief that it was Stalin’s doing does not necessarily show Stalin’s paranoia but it does explain another way in which Stalin was responsible for the purges. Robert Conquest states that â€Å"The one fundamental drive that can be found throughout is the strengthening of his own position†[xix], and I agree as Stalin was trying to gain absolute power as is evident with Kirov’s murder. However Stalin’s need for control of the party may have been a mix of his paranoia and obsession with power. By purging the party he was able to remove any political opponents that he had, this would have been his obsession that drove him, however the extent that he took the purges to in regards to the party would definitely suggest that he was paranoid and saw enemies everywhere. Whilst gaining control of the party Stalin was able to make people fully aware that he had the power to take or give anything. It is believed that Stalin’s relationship with his wife is important with regard to the terror that commenced afterwards. It is believed that she took her own life after voicing her opinions on the party purges and collectivisation to Stalin, who then shouted abuse at her. Stalin was cruel to his wife, being cold and violent. Both these factors appear to indicate that Stalin’s wife committed suicide. Most historians agree that the suicide made Stalin more paranoid and less likely to trust others. Stalin’s daughter explains how things had changed catastrophically: â€Å"Something had snapped inside my father†[xx]. Robert Thurston proposes that Stalin’s wife’s death occurred at the same time, filling Stalin with hatred and a desire to project his guilt over her death onto others[xxi]. The purging of the party can be referred as a mixture of Stalin’s paranoia and his obsession with power as some of the purging that was carried out did seem logical but taken to the extreme. The purging of the party allowed for Stalin to remove any political rivals, such as Zinoviev and Kamenev who were part of the leading troika after Lenin died. However paranoia did affect Stalin’s decisions as he purged over a million members of the party. Paranoia also played a part in the purging of Bukharin. Words 412 When Bukharin was given his death sentence he wrote a note to Stalin saying â€Å"Koba, why do you need me to die? †[xxii], by using Stalin’s revolutionary name it shows just how close Bukharin and Stalin used to be. It is clear that Bukharin and Stalin were close and by condemning Bukharin, Stalin shows clearly how paranoid he had become. Not satisfied with the cleansing of his own party, Stalin also found it necessary to purge the Red Army. Paranoid at the idea that the army was secretly planning a military coup, Stalin is believed to have used a double agent who worked with both Stalin and Hitler to take advantage of the paranoia raging in the Soviet Union. This led to the June 1937 purge of eight top Red Army commanders charged with conspiracy against their homeland with Germany. These commanders consisted of Marshall Tukhachevsky and various leaders of the Red Army. All were convicted and executed for their supposed crimes. Nearly 30,000 members of the Soviet armed forces were purged, about half of all the army’s officers. The purging of the Red Armies top commanders when war was close at hand truly shows just how paranoid he had become. However the purges can arguably be caused by Stalin’s obsession with gaining and maintaining power as an example of this is the Ryutin incident. Ryutin wrote a 200 page document criticising Stalin, both Ryutin and his followers were purged. Lynch believes that as Stalin grew older his paranoia grew and was why the purges grew more intense and less selective which he showed by saying â€Å"As he grew older Stalin became still more suspicious of those around him. [xxiii]. Lynch’s point is valid because as Stalin grew older fewer and fewer people were exempt from the purges. Even right up to his death Stalin was organising a purge for doctors. Overall Stalin’s paranoia was certainly a major factor towards the use of terror and purges to control the state Words 330 Conclusion As more information on Russian history is being discovered, it is now more w idely believed that Stalin himself was the main reason for the creation and continuation of the purges however it is necessary to accept that he was not the only reason. His paranoia may have influenced his decisions in regards to the Purges, however it is difficult to know what was an action based on paranoia or an action that may have been necessary for his consolidation and continuation of power in Russia. There are those who would argue that Stalin was merely one man and could not have continued the purges to the extent that they got to. There were certainly people in Russia who believed the propaganda that that the Purges were necessary to make Russia great again, and to remove the enemies of the people. The economic problems facing Russia forced Stalin to consider extreme ways with dealing with it; these options were rejected by many of the population so the government needed to blame someone. So the Kulaks were purged. The Purges can be justified by the problems within the party as Stalin did have political opponents that opposed his absolute rule; because of this many of the old Bolsheviks were put on public trial and killed. There are those that would argue that the purges were caused by communism itself in the sense that it was necessary for the continuation and evolution of communism. Stalin may also have been attempting to make a race of Russians entirely devoted to him. I however believe that most of these factors do link back to Stalin in some way; although it may not necessarily be due to his paranoia rather his lust for power. It is obvious that his paranoia played a part in the creation of the purges but his obsession for power outweighed his paranoia; Robert Service states that â€Å"The Great Terror would not have taken place but for Stalin’s personality and ideas. †[xxiv] I agree partly with this statement as it was Stalin’s paranoia that created the purges but only to some extent, not fully.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Case Study in Mass Media Framing
Introduction The mass media has been instrumental in shaping and influencing the public’s perception of politics. It is what the media depicts that convinces people to react or vote in a certain way especially during elections.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Case Study in Mass Media Framing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Let us take a look at the ongoing campaign trail and presidential debates in the USA and see the impact of the media on the public. The televised presidential debate in the US on October 3, 2012 The televised debate between the Republican Nominee, Mitt Romney, and President Barack Obama, recently received a lot of publicity in the media. It was clear that the former Governor of Massachusetts stunned President Obama in the presidential debate. Romney appeared to have had the issues facing the US at his finger tips like medical care. The media gave insights about the debate pra ising Romney of his stunning performance and criticized Obama of not being aggressive enough. It is true that Romney was outstanding but, in the real sense, one would have noticed that Obama made more sense in the debate because he gave more realistic arguments than Romney. Romney’s message was based on facts and statistics but what he said about the tax policy was far from the truth. After reading the newspapers and watching the ongoing events, voters were more convinced that Romney had been superb. Reports have been broadcasted that Obama will have to stage a dramatic comeback to survive Romney’s challenge in the coming presidential elections.Advertising Looking for critical writing on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The media, in most cases, only provides information on the overall events and happenings. It mostly points out what will excite the viewers in order to get their attention. T he supporters of the Republican Party were pleased with their presidential hopeful during the debate. Obama’s supporters are eagerly waiting for the second presidential debate. Most people remain skeptical of Obama’s future and Romney seems to be warming up quickly. How do the media influence voters? With the November elections approaching, all radio channels, television news, and the internet are all talking about politics with a lot of commercials and intense advertising (Fourie, 2008). Probably, the candidate that each voter will vote for will have been a creation of the media. The young generation may be lured and influenced through social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, My Space and internet links, each talking about politics and who is the most popular candidate and why. The young generation will look more in each candidate’s failures and than his successes. The televised debates you see have only affected the aftermath of two elections in fifty years (Cr oteau,HoynesMilan,2012). This is because what the media presents on papers and televisions afterwards dilutes the minds of voters after listening to the candidates. Conclusion What the media can do to influence the political world can be of great magnitude. That is why most politicians will want to participate in live shows and newspapers. The media may be biased and may mislead voters but could inform the public of many other matters that they had no knowledge of. A major factor that makes the media have so much influence on the public is that it is seen as the instrument of truth. This may not always be the case. Sometimes, telling the public the truth for the media may be motivated by other factors other than just promoting public awareness.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Case Study in Mass Media Framing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The voters must therefore decide who is their preferred candi date based on objective reasoning than the influence from the media. References Croteau,D.,Hoynes,W.,Milan,S.(2012).Media/Society:Industries,Images,and Audiences (4thed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. Fourie, J. (2008). Media Studies: Media History, Media and Society. USA: Juta and Company. This critical writing on Case Study in Mass Media Framing was written and submitted by user Punisher to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Drain Cleaner Can Dissolve Glass
Drain Cleaner Can Dissolve Glass Just about everyone knows many acids are corrosive. For example, hydrofluoric acid can dissolve glass. Did you know strong bases can be corrosive, too? An example of a base sufficiently corrosive to eat glass is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a common solid drain cleaner. You can test this for yourself by setting a glass container in hot sodium hydroxide, but you need to be extremely careful. Glass Dissolver Sodium hydroxide is perfectly capable of dissolving your skin in addition to glass. Also, it reacts with other chemicals, so you have to be certain you perform this project in a steel or iron container. Test the container with a magnet if you are unsure, because the other metal commonly used in pans, aluminum, reacts vigorously with sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide reacts with the silicon dioxide in glass to form sodium silicate and water: 2NaOH SiO2 → Na2SiO3 H2O Dissolving glass in molten sodium hydroxide probably wont do your pan any favors, so chances are youll want to throw it out when you are done. Neutralize the sodium hydroxide with acid before disposing of the pan or attempting to clean it. If you dont have access to a chemistry lab, this could be achieved with a whole lot of vinegar (weak acetic acid) or a smaller volume of muriatic acid (hydrochloric), or you can wash the sodium hydroxide away with lots and lots of water. You may not be interested in destroying glassware for science, but its still worth knowing why it is important to remove dishes from your sink if you are planning to use solid drain cleaner and why its not a good idea to use more than the recommended amount of the product.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Business Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Marketing - Essay Example Among this two, the marketers mainly use the concept of adaption i.e. changing the product according to needs of the customers belonging to different countries as various major companies have failed due to use of the straight extension policy. One of such examples could be Google Inc. Google entered in the year 2007 and became one of the leading search engines in the Chinese market. However, Google had been using the same marketing mix in China also. The internet content in China was heavily censored by the government and soon the problems in the form of delays lead to customer dissatisfaction and Google started to lose market share. To make things worse for the company, Google started facing competition from local search engine company Baidu. Google tried to censor the contents but it turned out to be a bit too late and Google had to leave the country. This case shows how important the external environmental factors are important in case of international marketing and how neglecting those factors can lead to heavy prices (Czinzota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Marinova & Marinov, 2009, pp. 423-429). Answer-2 Intermediaries are the channel partners that help the marketers to reach out to customers. Intermediaries are mainly middle –men like wholesalers, retailer, etc (Kotler, 2001, p. 25). From the point of view of the marketers intermediaries are of great help when it comes to market expansion and customer reach. Intermediaries help the marketers to reach to different customers within a relatively short period of time. The intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers help the marketers in breaking the bulk and selling the end product to the customers. Without the help of the intermediaries it would be extremely difficult to reach to the customers on their own. Also sometimes intermediaries may actually have better knowledge of a certain section of the market as compared to the marketers. Hence the marketers can actually use the knowledge and expertise of the in termediaries to gain customer insights. Also in some cases the reputations of the intermediaries help the marketers in case of promoting the product. The importances of the intermediaries become even more important in international marketing. In case of international marketing the marketers operate in alien conditions. The brand awareness of the marketers in the international market is very low. Also the marketers have little insight and knowledge about the customers. If the marketers would look to invest directly in the market it could prove to be of great risks due to the facts mentioned above. Hence, most of the times the marketers look for joint ventures or strategic alliance with some local firms. These firms usually have good insights about the local market. This allows the company to use the marketing and sales of the local firm. In this way the intermediaries help the marketers in cost as well as in risk reduction (Henry, 2008, p. 89). One of the major concerns in case of th e use of the intermediaries for the marketers has been the issue off control. On numerous
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Scale Construction Evaluation Project and report Essay
Scale Construction Evaluation Project and report - Essay Example A., & Lefcourt, H. M. ,1983; Miczo, N, 2004) It alleviates stress and can be resorted to in building stronger interpersonal relationships. Studies on humor’s implications on physical health have likewise been done and it shows that â€Å"there is very little evidence of stress-moderating effects of humor on health-related outcomes, using existing self-report measures of sense of humor and life events measures of stress†(Martin, 2001, conclusion, para. 13). However, it was also contended that certain types of humor may be effective with certain types of stress. Self-report measures of humor have been developed and used in studies on humor. The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ), (Martin & Lefcourt, 1984) measures respondents’ degree to which they smile and laugh in a wide variety of situations. The Coping Humor Scale (CHS), (Martin & Lefcourt, 1983), participants evaluate how they use humor as a coping strategy. The Sense of Humor Questionnaire (SHQ-6), (Svebak, 1996) evaluates different components of the humor process and the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS), (Thorson & Powell, 1993) investigates different humor behaviors such as humor creation and humor appreciation. In 1999, Martin and associates (Phulik-Doris and Martin, 1999) developed a humor scale measuring four humor styles: Social humor (tendency to share humor with others to put them at ease and enhance relationships); Self-enhancing humor (tendency to maintain a humorous outlook on life even when not with others, to cope with stress or to cheer oneself up); Self-defeating humor (tendency to amuse others by self-disparagement to hide one’s true feelings from self and others); and Hostile humor (tendency to use offensive humor to put down or manipulate others). This 60-item Likert-type format questionnaire has been developed and validated by Puhlik-Doris and Martin (1999) in a large Canadian sample. This original version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire was
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Causes Of Eating Disorders Psychology Essay
The Causes Of Eating Disorders Psychology Essay An eating disorder is a psychological illness where the subject has an abnormal relationship with food, and has a distorted view himself or herself. Particularly in those who suffer from anorexia and bulimia, there is an obsession with weight loss and food intake. They are also unable to see how self-destructive their behaviour is, and view themselves as too fat even when underweight. (Tighe, 2011)This essay will examine the causes of eating disorders and the psychological explanations that go along with them. Three psychological models will be looked at the cognitive approach, the behavioural approach and finally, the psychodynamic approach. The basis of the Cognitive approach is the theory that the human brain works like a computer. Processed outside information becomes our thoughts and our output is our behaviour. Cognitive psychologists would explain that the causes of eating disorders are due to faulty cognition (thoughts) and having distorted perceptions of self. A. Beck was the pioneer of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which can help eating disorder sufferers challenge their faulty thinking and change their perceptions. (DK, 2011)It is easy to see then, how CBT could be very useful in treating those with an eating disorder, as many symptoms of eating disorders are to do with faulty perception of the self. Fallon and Rozin (1985) also did research based on the cognitive model. They gave a chart of nine images of body types to both men and women. On the chart the silhouettes were either very slim to those of a higher weight. On the chart they placed how they perceived their own weight, how they perceived what weight was attractive to those of the opposite sex and their own, ideal weight. Women tended to place both their ideal weight and the weight they thought men would be attracted to on the lower side of the scale. Their perceived current weight placed at a significantly higher point on the scale. The men however, placed both their ideal weight and current weight close together but the weight that they perceived women to find attractive was higher on the chart*. This research is useful at seeing the difference between how male and female perception of self and ideal weight differs. However, there are some problems with it. For example, all the people asked were American and between the ages of 18-19 and all went to a private college, which suggests that they were, upper to middle class. This means that this piece of research is highly ethno- centric; it is not applicable to those who are exempt from that background and culture. The research in itself also lacks a certain amount of objective, as even though it shows peoples perceptions of their body it does not mean they are all suffering or will suffer from an eating disorder. The research also now lacks historical validity as it was carried out in 1985. Ideal body image was different to how it is now. (Adler, 1992) The cognitive approach can have positive appraisal as it backed up scientifically. Its face validity reflects in the success rate for CBT, which is often very high. The downside is that is seems to de-humanise people. It does not place any bearings on the patients emotions or their individual circumstances. A patient also seems to face large amount of blame and responsibility. In contrast with the Cognitive, approach is the psychodynamic approach; Sigmund Freud was the main trailblazer and the first person to study the mind. He believed that Mental Illness and mal -adaptive behaviour was due to repressed memories and emotions held in our unconscious mind and that, causes of emotional pain can be bought out through psychoanalysis (DK, 2011). This quote also links into another part of what Freuds theory was on how the human mind worked. He believed that the human psyche had three main parts: the id, ego and the superego. Freud believed the id is responsible, for our basic animal instincts, such as wanting food, or sex. There was also the ego was the part of the mind that was connected with the reality of the situation you are in. Finally, the superego is the moral part of the psyche. It is the voice that tells us was is good and right to do regardless of what the id wants. Freuds belief is that if the id, ego and superego are unbalanced then it is one of the pre- cursors to mental illness, such as an eating disorder. Freud also put a strong emphasis on early childhood experiences. He concluded that poor parenting or difficulty bonding with parents as a child could lead to mental illness and abnormal behaviour as an adult. A psychodynamic view of the cause of someone having an eating disorder if a younger women for example, would be that in her unconscious mind she fears becoming an adult. Due to this fear, she tries to revert to being a child by losing weight, causing her to lose her feminine figure and to stop herself menstruating. H. Bruch also believed that this aspiration of wanting to become a child might also be to do with having a poor relationship with parents who did not help her to develop any sort of identity. * There are some definite criticisms about the psychodynamic approach. One of the biggest problems with it is its very difficult to test as it is based on case studies, not scientific testing. In fact, the only way you could test it is by using identical twins by putting one through a trauma and the other one not; this of course, is greatly unethical. You also cannot duplicate the exact result on any other patient. What more, the approach has a huge bias against parenting and the role it could play in mental illness. However, numerous case studies back up the psychodynamic approach and the use of psychoanalysis; so it could work for some people. The last and final approach analysed is the Behavioural approach. The theory of it is that all behaviours learned are due to experience. In addition, those behaviours can then be unlearned. Ivan Pavlov, research the theory of classical conditioning by using dogs. He used a stimulus such as a bell ringing and giving the dog food at the same time to condition the dog to expect food whenever it heard the bell ring. The dog would even start to salivate before it saw the food but still heard the ringing of the bell. (Youtube, 2008) B.F Skinner expanded on Pavlovs research and called his theory Radical Behaviourism. He started by using mice. He would place the mice in a box; whenever the mouse pressed a lever or bar, it food was given. Skinner explained that this wasnt operant conditioning like Pavlovs as there was no preceding stimulus; the behaviour of the mouse was continued by the positive reinforcement of getting food. He continued his research by then wiring up the floor of the box t o an electric source. The mouse would then get a shock when performing certain behaviour. The mouse then learned the behaviour and shock were linked .This is negative reinforcement. (DK, 2011) The behavioural approaches explanation of the causes of an eating disorder in an individual would be due to either positive or negative reinforcement. An example of operant conditioning, that led to someone developing an eating disorder would be, that if a teenage girl kept losing weight and got continuous praise from friends, but then also receiving negative criticism from her parents for saying she was greedy whenever she ate. She would learn that if she lost weight and did not eat much her friends would complement her and her parents in turn, would accept her. Criticisms of the behavioural approach are that scientific testing is possible. It also gives quick results when it comes to treatment. Unfortunately, it does not focus on the patients emotions or their current personal circumstances. Neither, is it suitable to treat all illnesses, with eating disorders in particular a downside of it would be, that it changes the behaviour but has not influence of the cause, of that behaviour. In conclusion, it is widely acknowledged that eating disorders do not have one overruling cause but have a complex mixture of disordered thinking and negative perceptions of self. Poor interpersonal relationships and past trauma may also play a part. Eating disorders may also run in social groups and behaviours associated with eating disorders may be picked up/learned through peer pressure. (National Eating Disorders Association, 2004)It is safe to say then that all of the psychological approaches: cognitive, behavioural and psychodynamic are all perfectly valid in explaining why someone may suffer from an eating disorder and it is wise to keep an open minded approach to treating an eating disorder, as all of the approaches work in a highly interwoven and harmonious way. *Allen. C (2012) Lecture notes: Studies on eating disorders. [Access to HE, 24th October] References: Adler, L. D. (1992). Female and Male Perceptions of I deal Body Shapes. Retrieved October Wednesday 24th, 2012, from DK. (2011). The Psycholgy Book. London: Dorling Kindersley. National Eating Disorders Association. (2004). What Causes Eating Disorders. Retrieved October Thursday 25th, 2012, from National Eating Tighe, J. (2011, May). Eating Disorders. Retrieved October Wednesday 24th, 2012, from BBC Health: Youtube (Director). (2008). Classical Conditioning- Ivan Pavlov [Motion Picture].
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Disjunction of Senses in Modern City Life
Disjunction of Senses in Modern City life In his chapter â€Å"City Life and the Senses,†John Urry discusses how the senses system operates in â€Å"open societies†of streams of crowds in open space. The five senses are comprised by the visual, auditory, touch, taste, and olfactory. Urry views visuality as an ambivalent force that is prioritized above the other sense through the developments of centuries and somewhat abused by as visual sense becomes increasingly accelerated in the city life dominated by technology.The imbalance in the sensed environment is magnified by the physical natures of the senses themselves, but the inexpedience in this discrepancy is a product of civilization, implying that visuality and other senses are capable of interacting collaboratively under a hierarchy for a city life that â€Å"plays to all the senses. †The innate features of eyes provide the power for the visual sense. Light travels almost instantaneously while other mediums , like voice, are air-borne. Signals emitted by the sender are instantaneously received by the viewer.While sound and scent can collect their input from all directions and frequencies, sight is focused and specified. Urry mentions Simmel’s argument that â€Å"the eye is a unique ‘sociological achievement’†which â€Å"produces extraordinary moments of intimacy. †Uninterrupted interactions between the eyes carry â€Å"the history of their life and †¦the times dowry of nature. †These characteristics allows â€Å"the eye to [objectify] and [master]†more than the other senses. One could choose to close his eyes when the objects do not reach the expectation.Thus, vision possesses a seemingly superior ability to judge objects from specified angels. Another nature of the eye is that it can act as a delicate measuring tool that collects a vast amount of information. As Urry shows, the eye â€Å"sets a distance, and maintains a distanc e. †Consequently, this capacity to carry and discharge information â€Å"enables the world to be controlled at a distance, combining detachment and mastery†and communication between individuals â€Å"produces the ‘most complete reciprocity’ of person to person, face to face. In addition, Technology adds a new dimension to the existing complexity of visual dominance in the spatiality of sense. The implementation of modern technologies further enlarges the prioritizing of vision. Urry writes that â€Å"vision was given an especially powerful role in the modern era. †Cell phones, emails, and video chatting messengers, like Skype connect people wirelessly. Touch and smell no longer factor into the interactions such that it is no longer necessary for the physical presence of a person for communication.People seek increasingly greater standards for technologies that appeal to the visual sense. Modern innovations, for example, have advanced television f rom black-and-white to color to LED display to plasmid and recently to HDTV for ever improved visual experience. In contrast, there have been few advances in the auditory capabilities of modern inventions. The radio remains mostly unchanged through the past half century. The contrast between technological advances caters again to an assumed superiority of vision over the other sense. However, visuality has its limitations.We have abused the bestowed privilege while the human activities in modern society favor the development of visual sense. â€Å"According to Urry, â€Å"the city both is fascinated with, and hugely denigrates, the visual. †The moment the look dominates, the boy loses its materiality. †The mind becomes biased and receives false information about the truth as our eyes are more involved in working and recreational activities. For example, when shopping for luxury commodity, without â€Å"touching,†people sometimes believe in their visual judgme nt of the authenticity of the product.Besides, the eye turns vulnerable due to excessive usage. More and more people are optically corrected with glasses and contacts. Hand-free products grow multiplicatively popular thanks to its ability to dilution the burden of visual sense. Meanwhile, other senses are essential in that their importance is exemplified by the vast number of common expressions in daily speech. â€Å"Each sense gives rise to metaphors which attest to the relative importance of each within everyday life. People use expressions like â€Å"sounds good to me†and â€Å"it rings a bell,†attesting to the importance of the auditory realm. The auditory sense plays an important role in our learning process. From infancy, we are exposed mostly to sound while we are still â€Å"blind†about what is happening in the world. Then, we start to learn to talk by listening to our parents and are able to identify objects by connecting things we see with their au ditory equivalents. In school, lecturing is an indispensible portion of learning.Most students prefer learning from their instructors over reading the books and trying to understand the material. Furthermore, there are activities involving other senses that are insubstitutional by visuality. Music is a discipline in which visual sense is ineffective. Determining a keynote of melody, for some people, is an even more proficient mastery than visuality. Indeed, each division of the sensed system attempts to adapt to the evolving spatiality as the open societies become gradually civilized.Urry suggests that no matter which coordinates we use, â€Å"a threshold of effect of a particular sense which has to be met before another sense is operative. †This is not quite true. Multiple senses are certainly capable of coexisting in a parallel manner, and they should cooperate under a hierarchy between different senses. The concept â€Å"sensuous geography,†which connects together analyses of body, sense, and space,†should be introduced when examining the issue. The significance of the open societies is to encourage communication and mixture between senses and to achieve spatial complementarities.For instance, â€Å"sight is not seen as the noblest of the senses but as the most superficial, as getting in the way of real experiences that should involve other sense and necessitate much longer periods of time in order to be immerses in the site. †People have come up with approaches such that we can integrate the senses together to be truly reciprocal not within itself, but rather among the divisions to illustrate a decent understanding of city life that is composed. When someone visits a landscape, he or she can carry an electronic mobile auditory guide with them which plays an audio introduction of the spot.The device not only facilitates and enhances visual experience, but also alters the perception of the surrounding space for the tourist beca use â€Å"each sense contributes to people’s orientation in space. †Failure to do so may lead them to be insensitive and incapacitated. It is inevitable that the senses system has developed unequally as the open societies refine. Although visuality plays an essential role in city life, we ought not to overlook the rest of senses, such as previously discussed auditory sense. On the other hand, it is imperative to have a hierarchy for the five senses to operate cooperatively.Nevertheless, senses system may still remain stagnant in suburban cities, or closed societies, where people are not congested by technologies and crowds. Despite of their disparate spatiality and sensed environment, we shall consider the alternative account of sensing nature to assist our understanding of city life in open societies.Bibliography â€Å"City Life and the Senses. †Urry, John. A compaion to the city. Blackwell Publishing, 200. 388-397. Wikipeadia. 27 9 2008 <http://en. wikipe dia. org/wiki/Auditory_learning>.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Marries Is Better Than Being Single
ed is MARRIED IS BETTER THAN BEING SINGLE There are lots of discussion and arguments about to being single or getting married nowadays. The new generation might not willing to bound into marriage life and they wish to remain in single life so they can have more privacy, freedom and the commitment of  responsibilities. However, marriage is union ordained by God and it is also a wonderful union of two people in love. It is unique, opposite-sex union with legal, social, economic and spiritual dimensions. Getting married does bring a lot of advantages to a person either family.The biggest advantage for getting married is emotional stability. Married people treat their own family as shelter and they can feel secure and relax when staying together with their family. Family provides a peace and comfort zone for those married people to restore their energy. Marriage can helps the couple to become more tolerant, unselfish, caring and more responsible. Its provide a chances for the husband and wife to grow with and sharing their life’s challenges, rewards and sorrows with a person who actually knows and understand what you going through and feels the same frequency.There are a lots of difficulties have to learn by marriage people as that is not easiest to living with someone for the rest of their life. They have to overcome all the problems facing by them and to learn how to take care of others feeling, patience, emotion control, temper, time management and attitude towards their family. In a marriage life, there are always someone’s to hear your companions. It is good to have someone there to have a share, to bounce ideas or to have a witty exchange of remarks.Companionship among the married peoples also offers support and can be particularly important at times of trouble or stress. At such times, married people have distinct advantages over being single. The other advantage for marriage is that allows couples to pool their both incomes to share the cos t of living and debts, save more money for retirement and doing investment. The married people can also sharing a house, car and food so they can enjoy save cost for basic living conditions compare with a single person.Therefore, people who are married become less poverty but more wealth and their money goes further. It is because, they tend to specialize, exchange, and share roles and functions in ways to generate higher earnings, encourage savings, helping each other’s to restrain from impulse spending, and generally leave the family financially better off. Marriage can also leads to better health and greater longevity for people. There are more likely to enjoy better physical health. The spouses are intimately aware of and impacted by their spouse’s choices.In a sense, couples have a significant vested interest in watching out for one another and encouraging healthy choices and behaviour. For example, the wife might not allow her husband drinking, smoking or other u nnecessary risk-taking and also control his weights. Compared to single, divorced or widowed people, the married people experience less depression, anxiety, and other types of psychological distress. Besides, the married people will have active, satisfying and safety sex lives compared with single people. The married people tend to have more sex because it costs them less in time, money and psychic energy.They have find it more satisfying because their sex partner is more available, less distracted, more eager and more secure and able to please. The higher levels of satisfaction for married couples is related to the fact that marriage adds meaning to the sexual act because it symbolizes a union that is based on sexual fidelity, stronger commitment and emotional intimacy. It had increased their commitment and their sense of responsibility, and had generally strengthened their relationships. In addition, the married life can brings greater safety towards the married people and expand their social network.It’s because, the married people have companion to visit places together, visit friends or holiday together. For the single person, that is far more difficult as often modern social life is geared around ‘couples' and the single person can often feel left out or sometimes, simply not invited. At times, perhaps, having children might seem to impede their social life but it just brings a change in your social life and much of that social life involves being with your children. Lastly, married people will create a family with a new and challenging life instead of boring life compared with single people.Families are created and held together by the lifelong commitment of a man and a woman who live cooperatively and raise and nurture the children born to them. Families are the building block essential to the formation of a community, and strong social structure arises from the foundation many families provide. A thriving society and culture depend on sta ble marriages. For example, as marriage declines in a culture, the state must spend more money and care for children who less of the financial stability with divorce family background.Strong marriages statuses are at the heart of thriving family and community. In conclusion, getting married is better than being single as there married leads to emotional stability, financial stability, train the couples become more independent and responsible, better health and greater longevity, have wonderful sexual life, easy to expand social networks and have a new challenging life instead of boring life compared to single people. Getting married is not an easy but it does bring a lot of meaningful to individuals, family and the community.
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